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vRealize Rebranding Cheat Sheet

Earlier in August, at VMworld 2014, VMware announced a major renaming of its management products, to unify all current and future cloud management offerings under a single brand: VMware vRealize. This new brand is focused on 3 areas: Automation, Operations and Business. Besides, vCloud Hybrid Service (a.k.a. vCHS) was renamed to vCloud Air.

VMware also announced new SaaS offerings for management products hosted on vCloud Air. When vRealize products are offered as a service on vCloud Air, they will be branded vRealize Air “X” where “X” is the descriptive name of the product (such as vRealize Air Automation). You can already sign up for the beta of vRealize Air Automation and vRealize Air Compliance.

Finally, two new suites were announced, and vCenter Operations Management Suite was renamed to vRealize Operations

vRealize Suite 6 – Offers a single cloud management platform that is purpose built for the hybrid cloud. The latest release offers greater degrees of integration of automation, operations and business capabilities to enable shared services across products, and empower admins with simplified user experience.

VMware vRealize Suite

vRealize Operations 6.0 (formerly vCenter Operations Management Suite) – features a re-platformed architecture that now delivers 8x greater scalability with unified management across vSphere and other domains. Analytics, smart alerts and problem detection capabilities identify complex issues and then recommend automated tasks that streamline remediation before problems impact users.
vRealize Operations Insight 6.0 – Extends intelligent operations management beyond vSphere to include operating systems, physical servers, storage and networking hardware. New predictive capacity and project management across physical and virtual, as well as smart alerts with suggested remediation create a powerful solution for those looking to take operations to the next level.


  • SaaS offerings ("vRealize-as-a-Service") are not (and will not be) available for every products/solutions,
  • vRealize Code Stream is a new product offering from VMware for continuous delivery solution that helps IT better support agile development efforts and automate the entire software release process.


Staff II Technical Product Manager, technologist with 18+ years of Networking and Security experience in Data Center, Public Cloud & Virtualization (VMs and Containers). He is a double VCDX (DCV and NV, #120), VCDX panelist, frequent VMUG/VMworld speaker and contributor to the community via this blog or social media (follow him on Twitter @woueb).